
Magna Via Francigena - San Giovanni Gemini to Sutera

I miss having eggs for breakfast, so I have prepared well last night - I have one large onion and three eggs!

I make coffee using the mocha pot system, it works rather well.

I try the pecorino cheese, and try frying it, which, in my opinion, much improves it.

I slept late, and making and eating breakfast took time, so I leave only around 10:00.

Feels like a long walk (21 km with ~650m ascent/descent), and it is quite hot.

The locals are genuinely friendly, often striking up a conversation, asking where I am from, where I am going to, commenting on the heat, etc

It seems in this section 50% of people I saw did so, and the remaining 50% said a friendly "buongiorno".

The following picture shows the Sutera hill, that looks like a hat. I have to get there today.

I have a cold water and espresso at Acquaviva Platani, but the town is largely closed for siesta.

A senior citizen strikes a conversation with me from the balcony (seen in the following picture), but then admits he is hard of hearing and cannot really hear my responses.

I finally run into barking dogs that seem somewhat unfriendly and they aren't behind a fence - as the other barking dogs had been previously!

But the trick of seemingly - or actually - picking up stones works, and they cease blocking the junction, so I can proceed.

I finally reach Sutera and it is quite nice. Very hilly town!

I visit the local town museum and the young woman in charge is very thorough and diligent in giving me a tour. I understand about a half of it, and it has interesting moments, such as about Sicilians wanting an independent Sicily during WW2.

I finish the day on a high note by having a really nice meal at "Sambriglia".

Sutera is really amazing and has a nice atmosphere. 

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